





2021 Exhibition “Arte in scatola”,  Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genova
2016 Exhibition  “L’altro” Palazzo Ducale , Genova
2013 Exhibition “Le latitudini dell’Arte, Italia-Finlandia” , Palazzo Ducale , Genova
2010 Solo Show “L’altro sono io”  Flip-Prints e Interactive Walking-People Video, Galleria Massenzio
2009 Exhibition at Massenzio Arte
2008 Exhibition “On the Move” – Galleria UnimediaModern , Genova
2007 Exhibition “Cartoons all’Italiana” – Fondazione Bandera per l’Arte , Busto Arsizio
2006 Exhibition “Riparte” – KaimanArt, Roma
2006 Solo Show Museo Luzzati – Kaiman Art, Genova
2001 Exhibition “BlackOut dell’Arte – 8 Artists against G8”- KaimanArt , Genova







2021 Communication Campaign for the International Book Fair in Turin for Rai
2021 Communication Campaign for the Autism Awareness Day for Rai
2020 Communication Campaign for Prix Italia (International Competition for Radio, Tv and Web,  for Rai
2020 Online Unimed, 2nd part of Courses  Promoted by Anna Lindt Foundation
2019 Online Unimed, Courses  Promoted by Anna Lindt Foundation
2018 Communication Campaign for National campaign for “Invitation to Read” for Rai
2017 Communication Campaign for the Day of Remembrance,  for Rai (Italian National Broadcast)
2016 Communication Campaign against Violence against Women,  for Rai (Italian National Broadcast)
2015 Animated series “Pepita’s Journal” (Series of educational cartoons)
2014 Animated series for Heal (Italian Association for children’s Cancer) 
2013 Animated series for Rai (Italian National Tv Channel) Promotion of Classical Radio  “RaiRadioClassic”
2012 Animated movie for Fao “Closing the Gap”
2011 Animated movie for 60 years Caritas “Zero Poverty
2010 “L’altro” interactive exhibition
2009 Videopoesie “MeltingPixel – Polifemi e Traversate”
2008 videopoesie of/for Felix Dennis
2007 Videopoesie ““Il punto dopo di te”
2007 “Macchina Madre” Art video made for the artist Paola Gandolfi
2007 videopoesie of/for Felix Dennis “To a wonderful lady of a certain age”
2006 videopoesie of/for Felix Dennis  “I have a secret servant”
2006 Videopoesia “Metà e metà”
2005 Videopoesia “La ferita”
2003 “La recherché de ma mere” art video made with the artist Paola Gandolfi – Biennale di Venezia, Nuovi Territori
2003 Videopoesie Ungaretti-Rodari-Palazzeschi
2002 “Sospesi” Art video made for the artist Daniela Papadia
1997 “Loosin yelav” video animated on the illustrations made by Serena Giordano , music Luciano Berio
1990  GreenMovie Movie Animation. 2D co-author Todd Ruff , Primo Premio Imagina, France Montecarlo